Development & community

Aldryn FAQ is an open-source project.

You don’t need to be an expert developer to make a valuable contribution - all you need is a little knowledge, and a willingness to follow the contribution guidelines.

Divio AG

Aldryn FAQ is developed by Divio AG and released under a BSD licence.

Aldryn FAQ is compatible with Divio’s Aldryn cloud-based django CMS hosting platform, and therefore with any standard django CMS installation. The additional requirements of an Aldryn application do not preclude its use with any other django CMS deployment.

Divio is committed to Aldryn FAQ as a high-quality application that helps set standards for others in the Aldryn/django CMS ecosystem, and as a healthy open source project.

Divio maintains overall control of the FAQ repository.

Standards & policies

Aldryn FAQ is a django CMS application, and shares much of django CMS’s standards and policies.

These include:

Please familiarise yourself with this documentation if you’d like to contribute to Aldryn FAQ.

Running tests

Aldryn FAQ uses django CMS Helper to run its test suite.

There’s more than one way to do this, but here’s one to help you get started:

# create a virtual environment
virtualenv test-aldryn-faq

# activate it
cd test-aldryn-faq/
source bin/activate

# get Aldryn FAQ from GitHub
git clone

# downgrade pip to a version < 6
pip install -U 'pip<6'

# install the dependencies for testing
pip install -Ur aldryn-faq/test_requirements.txt

# run the test suite
# note that you must be in the aldryn-faq directory when you do this,
# otherwise you'll get "Template not found" errors
cd aldryn-faq


You can run the documentation locally for testing:

  1. navigate to the documentation cd /docs
  2. run make install to install requirements
  3. run make run to run the server

Now you can open http://localhost:8000 on your favourite browser and start changing the rst files within docs/.